Welcome to Holloways Baptist Church, we are a growing church of warm & friendly people. We have many programs, activities and worship opportunities currently in place for all ages. Please join us, our Pastor Glen Gunter, and his family each week for Sunday School, Worship, Youth and Fellowship. You can also join us each Sunday via live stream for our 8:30 AM service by following the links on our home page. We look forward to seeing you at HBC and would love to have you come & worship with us!
“We Are Better Together”
Join Holloways In Missions during the month of April as we help with the 2025 Baptist Childrens Homes Food Roundup. You can donate by bringing needed supplies to HBC or by donating on the BCH website. Click HERE for a Needs List for this years Food Roundup. Visit the BCH Site for more information, ways you can help, and to see what God can and has done with this ministry.
— What’s Happening at Holloways Baptist Church —
Weekly Events and Services
Sunday Morning Contemporary Worship Service and Live Stream – Each Sunday at 8:30 AM.
Sunday School – Each Sunday at 9:45 AM.
Sunday Morning Second Worship Service Each Sunday at 10:45 AM.
Youth Sundays – Youth meet each Sunday at 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.
Wednesday Night Services are on hold in preparation for New upcoming Wednesday Night Events.
Seniors Breakfast – Each Thursday at Eve’s in Southmont at 9:30 AM.
Upcoming Special Events at Holloways
HBC College age youth had a wonderful trip as they attend “The Call” conference at Caswell January 31st- February 2nd. Looking forward to how God uses these teens in His kingdom and for His service.
For all young adults from 20 – 30s, please join our new Young Adults Sunday School class each Sunday at 9:45 AM. Nursery will be available. Join us in an exciting new class for Fellowship and Study of God’s word.
HBC Sunday First Service Live Stream 8:30 AM 4/6/25 w/Pastor Glen Gunter
HBC Sunday First Service Live Stream 8:30 AM 4/13/25 w/Pastor Glen Gunter
HBC Easter Sunday Service Live Stream 10:45 AM 4/20/25 w/Pastor Glen Gunter
HBC Sunday First Service Live Stream 8:30 AM 4/27/25 w/Pastor Glen Gunter
Holloways Baptist General Live Stream
Join HBC and Pastor Glen as he brings us the series titled “Better Together” and shows us how we are better together with our church, our fellow churches, and with Christ.
Once again God was AWESOME during the HBC Youth Camp Caswell trip for 2024. HBC had 6 youth accept Christ and a total of 8 baptized in the ocean. God seems to show up in more amazing ways each year at Caswell and makes such a positive move in each of the youth’s Christian walk. See the video highlights and baptism.
Please give through our HBC Online Giving program. read more